The famous singer Kanika Kapoor recently got married to her boyfriend Gautam Hathiramani. From pink shade lehenga and sherwani to the decoration theme in the shade of pink make the venue so amazing and eye-catching. The wedding venue decorates with graceful and lovely flowers. The decoration with the flowers makes the venue more romantic and attractive. You can also make your wedding like a dream wedding. Just order flowers online for your wedding.
The floral touch in a wedding can make the wedding more attractive and remarkable. They add more charm and strength to the decoration. The color of flowers also plays an important role in the decoration. You can also take the idea from baby doll Kanika Kapoor’s wedding by contrasting the classic white and lovely pink bloom or mix or match any other color that will enhance the look of your wedding.
Here in this article, I will also help you to mix and match the different shades for your wedding or any other occasion decoration. As there are many varieties of flowers you can choose any of them accordingly.
Geranium and rose – Flowers
There are many species of geranium flowers available in shades of pink, white, blue, and mauves. And the shades of roses are known by all of us. You can contrast the mauve’s geranium and lovely pink rose together to make your wedding venue attractive. And also opt for a mix and match of white geranium with a red rose or blue geranium with a white rose to give your wedding a royal look. You can easily get these flowers from different websites or you can buy roses online from your online store with fresh and best quality.
Purple coneflowers and black-eyed Susans – Flowers
They both look similar but are of different species the purple color of coneflowers and the yellow color of black-eyed Susans make the best combination together. Instead of this purple coneflowers also make the best combination with lovely pink and rosy-purple flowers. You can with white blooms also you can contract then according to your dress theme also like Kanika Kapoor.
Daffodil and Amsonia
The symbol of a new beginning Daffodil and the blue star Amsonia is also a good mix-match for each other. There are different shades of daffodil like white, pink, and orange with or without yellow in the center. The pink and white Daffodil can make the best match with the blue or purple shade of Amsonia. The Amsonia in the bunch looks like many stars twinkling together.
Iris and Phlox – Flowers
Iris can also match with Columbine, Daffodil, tulip, and many other flower species. And the Phlox alone can also be the best choice to make your home or wedding venue look stunning. The different shades of Phlox like pale blue, violet, lovely pink, bright red, or white all are amazing and give charming looks you can also make a combination of different shades of Phlox only at your wedding or any other decoration.
Daisies and petunia
These little blooms are just amazing combinations. If the right shades are put together they can also make the best bouquet of flowers that the bride and groom can hold. The different shades of daisies are amazing and can make your venue outstanding with the different shades of petunia mixed in it.
Tulip and hyacinth – Flowers
The Tulip and hyacinth are spring-blooming flowers that look better together if written shades are put together. The faded purple hyacinth makes the best match with dark purple or Lovely pink tulip flower. Or it can also go with yellow tulips. There are many shades available in the flower that you can check online also and order flowers online according to your choice.
There are many more flowers that can make the best combination together. You can select and mix-match flowers according to your idea also that will suit your decor. The decoration with flowers will just add another level of charm and royalty to your simple wedding. If you are having any function in your house or your wedding is near them you can make it more memorable with beautiful flowers. Or you can also make a bouquet of these combination flowers to gift to the bride and groom.